Monday, December 1, 2008

Norse Mythology Deffinitions

  1. Vikings: Norse warriors and explorers.
  2. Ginnungagap: The void that was there before creation.
  3. Nifleheim: The land of Ice and Fog.
  4. Muspellheim: The Land of Fire which was situated directly across from Nifleheim.
  5. Yggdrasil: The world tree that connects all of the realms.
  6. Asgard: The place where the gods live.
  7. Midgard: The place where mortals live.
  8. Hel: Where the dead go and the name of the Goddess who rules that same place.
  9. Bifrost Bridge: Bridge connecting Midgard to Asgard. The Rainbow.
  10. Ymir: The first Frost Giant who's body was used to create Earth.
  11. Odin: Lead god who sacrificed his eye to gain total knowledge.
  12. Frigg: Goddess of earth and most powerful Goddess.
  13. The Valkyries : Daughters of Odin who take those slain in battle to Midgard.
  14. The Norns: The fate maidens: titled Past, Present, and Future.
  15. Thor: Strongest of the gods and son of Odin.
  16. Balder: Most loved of the gods by humans and the gods. Son of Odin
  17. Njord: Odin's brother and patron of the sailors.
  18. Frey: God of Fertility, sun and rain.
  19. Freya: Goddess of love, fertility, and magic.
  20. Idunn: Goddess of youth and keeper of the golden apples, which keep the gods youthful.
  21. Loki: Trickster god who will bring about the end of the world.
  22. Fenrir: Loki's son. A wolf who also brings the end of the world upon us.
  23. Jormungandr: The world serpent. Another of Loki's sons who destroy the world.
  24. Ragnarok: The apocalypse that only two humans survive.
  25. Runes: Magical figures that are used to convey thought and word through sound. They also allow humans to commune with the gods.
Citations: "Bifrost." March 27 1997. Drawing. Windows To the Universe. December 1 2008.

Oatway, Hale. "The Fenrir Wolf." Drawing. Elfwood. December 1 2008.

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